A man by the name of Jarbas Agnelli saw a bunch of birds sitting on electric wires and decided to see what would happen if he transcribed the birds into musical notes
and while we're at it, here's another very nice flash game, except the cool thing about this one is that it rates what areas you're most able in. http://www.jmtb02.com/flash/grid16-jm.swf aparently, I'm best at prioritizing....
So imagine taking a piece of paper, and turning it into an 8-page booklet full of contact sheets, calendars, and even a few games. I found a little page that makes doing that unbelievably simple.
Go to the link below, look through the different things it offers, drag the pages you like into the side bar, and click print.
and if you can't figure out how to fold it, and didn't think to go to the help section, here's the link on how to fold the paper and make your booklet http://www.pocketmod.com/howto/
and here's a picture on what the booklet will look like when you're done: (and that's not actually my hand, it's some random pic of it I found online)
ok, I'll admit the question never actually crossed my mind, but I've got to admit, something about knowing that the weather outside my house is "hmm... 6°C, partly cloudy? It's like Naboo out there. temperate, dry, and fairly pleasant" is kind of cool Oh, and it has pictures! http://www.tomscott.com/weather/starwars/
So there really is no real point to this video, it features beautifully rendered planes shooting at other beautifully rendered planes. The only real thing I know about it is that it's titled "Stormbirds" and that it's a concept movie that was produced at RealtimeUK for THQ and Juice Games. So, sit back and watch the awesome action
No, i'm not the biggest fan of Lady Gaga, far from it in fact, but when an absolutely hilarious and amazing version of Poker Face winds up in my browser, I can't help but enjoy it.
Also, if you've still got Poker Face fever, and don't mind hearing another cover, here's Chris Daughtry's cover of Poker Face
And if you wanna go listen to the original now, then go youtube it, or think back to the last time you heard it, which statistically speaking, probably happened sometime this week =]
Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw does amazing reviews of video games using so much wit and clever charm, that you don't even need to know what game he's talking about to still enjoy his 5-minute videos. Below is one of his more recent reviews, give it a quick look, it should be worth your time.
I can basically guarantee that you will never see something this short, this amusing ever again... (at least until I post another 5-second-film)
From: Chaz Michaelson (boss@newsolutionscorp.com)
RE: Job performance
Hello Collin,
Just wanted to let you know you’re up for review. Some of your co-workers, who shall remain anonymous, have filed several complaints that you’re proving to be a disruption at work. Is there any particular reason you scream “Uhh” at the top of your lungs for the duration of your time at work each day? If you’re confused about your action items, there are procedures for dealing with that as we discussed at last week’s staff meeting. There’s no need to be disruptive by voicing your confusion for 8 hours straight. Please see me tomorrow.