Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Drum Machine

I had to add a jump break to this post, cause the flash animation runs by itself and a few people expressed dissatisfaction last time i had something that ran all by itself. But simply click on the "Read More" button to actually see it. Don't worry, it's no screamer or anything

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alex Reads Twilight

Are you like be and are kinda/sorta curious about what this twilight insanity is about, but can't find the motivation to actually pick up the book and subject your brain to it? Or do you simply want to hear Twilight get ridiculed chapter by chapter? Well, both wishes are quickly and hilariously fulfilled by a Youtube series called "Alex Reads Twilight," the first 2 episodes of which are posted below:

If you want to view on, here's a link to chapter 3:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Holophonic Recordings

Imagine putting in your headphones and actually hearing someone give you a haircut. And i don't mean the sound of a haircut happening, and you can hear it in your headphones, i mean listening, and feeling like there are actual people in the room with you, actually giving you a haircut. A truly confusing and weird experience lies in store if you click the link:
(btw, for the virtual haircut thing, you may want to skip to about halfway through to listen to the actual haircut part of it)
you must put in headphones into your ears to make this actually work, otherwise it just sounds normal

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Banned 360 Ad

I honestly think this is the best ad for the 360 ever. Too bad common TV audiences never got to see it (something about it being too violent or something...)

Star Wars done by Hands

thank you, Japan

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Facebook Profile Adventure

(Clicking on the picture would go a long ways to making it readable)

Petting Graph

The Prejudice Song

A couple of ‘g’s an ‘r’ an ‘e’ an ‘i’ and an ‘n’… Figure it out!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Uprising Begins

I always knew if would start from one of those office printers...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

The White Women's Workout

racist? hell yes. funny? also yes!

The Smallest, Most Dangerous Thing You Will Stumble Upon All Day

Now, one question remains, why did all those demonstrations have to take place next to a computer?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

MORE Portal Fun

Sand Drawings

Jim Denevan does appallingly huge drawings in the sand. Click here to go to his site and check out more of his work.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hall of Mountain Glory

Gotta love what some sunlight and a cloud can do...